Ilya Kolmanovsky: science is fascinating to talk about
On June 5, Vienna will host an event that would be a shame to miss. Ilya Kolmanovsky, a well-known biologist, science journalist and science popularizer, will talk about the birth of collective intelligence in his scientific lecture for adults "The Wise Crowd" and answer the question whether it is possible to become not only stupider but also smarter by getting together.
Ilya Kolmanovsky: science is fascinating to talk about
On June 5, Vienna will host an event that would be a shame to miss. Ilya Kolmanovsky, a well-known biologist, science journalist and science popularizer, will talk about the birth of collective intelligence in his scientific lecture for adults "The Wise Crowd" and answer the question whether it is possible to become not only stupider but also smarter by getting together.
Wien, Wiener Urania
Ilya Kolmanovsky: science is fascinating
On June 5, Vienna will host an event that would be a shame to miss. The famous biologist, science journalist and popularizer of science Ilya Kolmanovsky in his scientific lecture for adults "The Wise Crowd" will talk about the birth of collective intelligence and answer the question whether it is possible, gathering together, to become not only dumber, but also smarter.
How does the brain of people who gather in a group work - collectively and each one individually? You will learn about it, becoming the listeners of the lecture of science columnist Ilya Kolmanovsky.
"It is very important to understand: why do people work worse in a group? Is it possible, using the achievements of science, having studied experiments on volunteers, to make us not a mad, but on the contrary, a wise crowd? Will magic happen and will it turn out that together people produce much better results than if they acted each for himself?" - says Ilya Kolmanovsky.
The lecture is aimed at an adult audience, but teenagers may also find it equally interesting. Come, it will be very exciting!
Ilya Kolmanovsky is a candidate of biological sciences, the author of the podcasts "Naked Digger" and "One and a Half Digger". Kolmanovsky's main activity is scientific research, in which he sometimes volunteers himself, talking to scientists and visiting laboratories.
In his offline meetings, discussions, and workshops, he offers discussions on the messages of scientists and what we would like to convey to them in return.
Approximate lecture duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.