
15 March

Anna Vilenskaya in Frankfurt


Anna Vilenskaya in Frankfurt: "How electronic music smoothly changed people's hearing"

Anna Vilenskaya is a musicologist, lecturer and researcher of contemporary music who approaches the storytelling of music in a new way. In her lectures she emphasizes visualization, accessibility, emotional perception and practical benefits for the listener.

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19:00, Sat

Frankfurt am Main, Kulturhaus Frankfurt

Pfingstweidstraße 2, 60316, Frankfurt am Main

Selling is closed

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Anna Vilenskaya in Frankfurt: "How electronic music smoothly changed people's hearing"

Anna Vilenskaya is a musicologist, lecturer and researcher of contemporary music who approaches the storytelling of music in a new way. In her lectures she emphasizes visualization, accessibility, emotional perception and practical benefits for the listener.

During the lecture "How Electronic Music Smoothly Changed People's Hearing" Anna Vilensky will explain how the advent of electronic instruments influenced the perception of timbre and rhythm. We will trace the key stages in the development of electronic music - from the first drum machines to iconic tracks by The Prodigy and Radiohead, discuss the impact of technology on the music industry, and talk about rap, computer games, The Beatles' "White Album" and Steve Reich's minimalism.

No prior knowledge is required - just curiosity and a desire to hear music from a new perspective!