
20 November

Тина Кароль 2022


Tina Karol is a legend of the Ukrainian stage, a singer-symbol whose songs have become soundtracks for the fate of millions of Ukrainians. She is the most titled People’s Artist of Ukraine, who has won two of the country’s highest Music Awards “for contribution to the development of the music industry”.

Her song "Ukrayina tse ty" (“Ukraine is you”) was included in the school curriculum of the anthology of Ukrainian literature. 

Tina Karol rightfully became the idol of the Ukrainian nation, having a dozen solo programs and the most successful albums in Ukraine. Tina conducts active public and charitable activities by her “The Pole of Attraction” foundation, providing medical care to hospitals in Ukraine.


Tickets kaufen

Verwandte Ereignisse


21 Februar

Show "Körper, Geist, Seele".


от 25,00 €

Tickets kaufen

21 Februar

Show "Körper, Geist, Seele".

In 1 Städten

от 25,00 €


25 Februar

Die Band BI-2 mit einem Sinfonieorchester in Düsseldorf


от 54,00 €

Tickets kaufen

25 Februar

Die Band BI-2 mit einem Sinfonieorchester in Düsseldorf

In 1 Städten

от 54,00 €


28 Februar - 01 März

Die Band BI-2. All das Beste

Ludwigsburg, Hamburg

от 63,00 €

Tickets kaufen

28 Februar - 01 März

Die Band BI-2. All das Beste

In 2 Städten

от 63,00 €


28 Februar

Splin - Konzert in Heilbronn


от 119,00 €

Tickets kaufen

28 Februar

Splin - Konzert in Heilbronn

In 1 Städten

от 119,00 €


03 März - 09 März

Valery Meladze in Deutschland. Jubiläumstournee 2025

Neuss, Berlin

от 89,00 €

Tickets kaufen

03 März - 09 März

Valery Meladze in Deutschland. Jubiläumstournee 2025

In 2 Städten

от 89,00 €

Tina Karol is a legend of the Ukrainian stage, a singer-symbol whose songs have become soundtracks for the fate of millions of Ukrainians. She is the most titled People’s Artist of Ukraine, who has won two of the country’s highest Music Awards “for contribution to the development of the music industry”.

Her song "Ukrayina tse ty" (“Ukraine is you”) was included in the school curriculum of the anthology of Ukrainian literature. 

Tina Karol rightfully became the idol of the Ukrainian nation, having a dozen solo programs and the most successful albums in Ukraine. Tina conducts active public and charitable activities by her “The Pole of Attraction” foundation, providing medical care to hospitals in Ukraine.