Tickets return

Tickets are refunded only if the event is canceled, replaced or transferred in accordance with the rules set by the organizers.

Tickets can not be exchanged and returned at the customer's request!

We draw your attention to the fact that Afisha GmbH ( is a ticket agency and is not responsible for cancellations and postponements of events.

The refund is made in the same way as the canceled order was paid.

Electronic ticket return

You need to send email. a letter with tickets in the form of an attachment to the address

Standard Ticket Refund

You must send tickets by mail with a letter containing the following information:

  • order number
  • Surname and name of the customer who placed the order
  • contact details
  • bank details (only if they are changed)

Only tickets purchased from Bilet.Kartina.TV, with undamaged control, are accepted for return.

For canceled events, the nominal value of tickets is returned to the client. Shipping costs are not refundable.

Refunds of tickets sold at a discount for canceled, transferred or replaced events are subject to discounts.

Postal address for refunds:
Afisha GmbH
Rheingaustrasse 53
65201 Wiesbaden

If you have any questions - please contact our operators by phone: 0611 94 49 8000