
Free options:

Electronic ticket / E-Ticket

  • An electronic ticket or an E-Ticket is an electronic ticket form that is offered instead of a regular ticket form
  • After placing an order and confirming payment, you will receive a ticket by e-mail.
  • Simply print the ticket on the printer in A4 format or open it on the screen of your mobile phone or tablet and present for control at the entrance

Paid Options:

Standard Mail / Standardversand

Only in Germany 3.50 €

  • Uninsured option
  • It's not possible to track the location status
  • Delivery in Germany takes about 3 working days

Registered letter / Einschreiben

All countries 6,95 €

  • The maximum amount of insurance in Germany is 25 €, for other countries 34 €
  • A more reliable delivery option
  • Ability to track delivery status using a unique number
  • Delivery in Germany takes about 3 working days